校友关注: 安妮卡Karlstrom - 阿姆斯特丹

安妮卡Karlstrom in 阿姆斯特丹

校友关注: 安妮卡Karlstrom - 阿姆斯特丹

安妮卡Karlstrom是密歇根州立大学计算机科学工程专业的四年级学生. She is an Amazon AWS intern in Seattle, WA. 作为一个 第一代 college student, 她梦想着 宝博体育 and kick-starting college with a life changing experience. But the reality Annika braved was lockdown amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19对每个人来说都很艰难,这确实阻碍了她的大学生涯和经历. By the time life started to somewhat return to normal, 安妮卡已经是一名三年级的学生,她觉得宝博体育并实现她期待已久的梦想最终会让她的生活重新开始. 她的 留学项目 with 东航卡帕 did exactly that. 安妮卡说, “这让我重新找回了自我,并将我在疫情期间错过的社会大学经历联系起来. I’ve made so many new friends and visited various incredible places.” Thanks to 宝博体育 in 阿姆斯特丹 in Fall ‘22, Annika has a new appreciation for the world and herself. 她说:“这让我觉得我开始成长为我一直梦想成为的人.” 

Why did you want to 宝博体育? What inspired you to 宝博体育? 

It sounds cliche but I chose to 宝博体育 in 阿姆斯特丹 to find myself and experience the world. 我一直想宝博体育,在另一个国家学习,在另一种文化中生活. Traveling the world is a goal of mine, but so is learning about it. 新冠肺炎疫情后,我受到了宝博体育的启发,想要回到这个世界,成为这个世界的一部分.  

What led you to choose your 东航卡帕 program as your 宝博体育 destination, and why was it the right fit for you? 

阿姆斯特丹并不是我最初想要宝博体育的地方,但我很高兴我去了那里. 一开始我很怀疑,因为它不是我一直梦想去的大城市之一, And the more I learned about the 荷兰’ colorful capital, the more excited I became. Before moving to 阿姆斯特丹, 我不知道我会如此爱上它,并最终把它当作我的第二个家. The people were kind, and the weather was calm. 我在欧洲最风景如画、最具标志性的地方之一度过了一个愉快的秋季学期. 阿姆斯特丹 was amazing for many reasons, but mostly because it’s the perfect combination of casual and cozy. I truly felt like I fit in there.  


我在国外最好、最具影响力的经历是和我在那里学习时结识的朋友们在一起的经历. I never imagined I’d make friends that I connected so well with right away. We were always out in the city doing things together. Going to study and get coffee, 购物, 活跃的夜生活, going to the bar for a world cup game, 旅行, 骑自行车, 还有更多. My most memorable moments in 阿姆斯特丹 were with my friends. 有朋友想和我一起出去探索我们的城市,这对我在国外的时间产生了最大的影响,并帮助我在经历了长时间的COVID-19大学经历后再次感到舒适. 如果没有在那里认识的人成为我的好朋友,我就不会有一半的不可思议的经历和支持.  

What was the most valuable thing you learned or can remember from your program?

The most valuable thing I learned from my program was how to be on my own. 回到美国.S., I went to school an hour away from my childhood home. I was still surrounded by friends and family I’ve known forever. But half a world away in 阿姆斯特丹, I went into a program knowing no one. 在国外,我结交了最了不起的朋友,遇到了很棒的人,这让我的经历令人难忘, but I was living on my own. I had to learn how to be independent and alone at times. It wasn’t lonely as one would imagine, in fact it’s the opposite. 我学会了接受自己一个人的生活,和自己作伴也很舒服. It made me realize that my experience was a taste of life after college, 帮助我成为我自己,以及如何过渡到一个真正的成年人.  

How did your 宝博体育 experience impact your initial job search (resume, 求职信, 面试)?  What hard and soft skills from 宝博体育 helped you land your job? 

宝博体育让我有信心去追求以前没有勇气申请的宝博体育和工作. 作为一个 computer science engineer, 有时我并不总是对自己有信心,即使我内心深处知道我有资格实现我的职业目标. 宝博体育前, 我害怕被公司拒绝,害怕没有达到我在母校听到的标准. But after taking the leap to live alone on the other side of the world, my confidence increased in myself professionally and personally. The fear of rejection didn’t seem as scary, especially after starting a new life in a new and foreign city. 在阿姆斯特丹留学给了我一种新的自我和自信,现在我在生活的各个方面都带着这种自信.  

为什么你认为宝博体育对准备进入职场的学生有好处? 你对学生如何在求职和职业生涯中利用国际经验有什么建议吗? 

研究ing abroad helps you learn about the world but also yourself. 当你在国外的时候,你会发现自己身处许多不同的情境中——有些还不错, 有些不太好, but all of them become learning experiences. You learn how to communicate cross-culturally with others, and how to act in different situations that you can’t experience at home. 我学会了对自己更有信心,但也学会了如何处理找工作带来的焦虑. While interviewing for my intern船, 我觉得出国后我的会话能力提高了,面试官也注意到了我的留学经历. 我相信,与其他求职者相比,它让我脱颖而出,因为它意味着我把自己推向了世界,成为了一个全面发展的人,更适合一家全球性公司.  


不要害怕申请. 有时候,申请行业内最有名的公司可能会让人望而生畏, but you never know what will happen. I didn’t think I’d end up working for Amazon, 但我冒了很大的风险, 应用, 通过一轮又一轮的面试,直到我得到了这份工作. My advice is don’t limit yourself and your opportunities, put yourself out there and you just might find what you’re looking for.   

Christmas Market in Luxembourg
What would you say to students who are on the fence about studying or 在国外宝博体育

Go! You will not regret this experience. 出国是发生在我身上最好的事情,让我的生活变得更好. 与踏上这段旅程之前相比,我现在是一个完全不同的人. I am more confident in myself and my career going forward. 离开家改变了我欣赏世界和周围人的方式. By being so far from the familiar, 我学会了克服这个世界可能给我带来的困难,正因为如此, my life has become more enjoyable. Being in another country made me learn to take it all in, the big and the small moments, 珍惜每一天, 并充分利用它.  

What was your favorite food from your host city? 你最喜欢独处的地方是哪里,还是你最喜欢的城市?

My favorite food was probably the bitterballen. 不仅因为它美味可口,还因为它是我朋友们的最爱. The first week in the 荷兰, my friends and I would only order bitterballen when we’d eat out and now, we always laugh when we order it. It was both yummy and memorable. In the city I had two favorite spots. 我最喜欢的是内根斯特拉杰斯,一个美丽的社区,就在市中心以西的一条运河旁. 它有阿姆斯特丹所有的标志性和舒适的特点,没有老城区和市中心的人群. This area has the cutest shops, best food, and picturesque places in the city. My second favorite area in 阿姆斯特丹 was De Pijp. De Pijp社区就在著名的荷兰国立博物馆(Rijksmuseum)的东南方,也是我每天学习的好去处. This area of the city is also home to Albert Cuypmarkt, where you can find yummy food and fun items, including great gifts and souvenirs. 

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