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What I Learned While Studying Abroad in 巴黎

by 东航卡帕 Content Creator
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2 students pose in front of Eiffel Tower at sunset

Living 和 Learning by Studying Abroad in 巴黎

我记得在参加之前的日子里,我感到既害怕又焦虑 东航卡帕’s 工程 in 巴黎 Program. 作为一名化学工程专业的学生,主修生物制药工程, 23年夏天,我在巴黎参加了东航卡帕的微分方程和高级定制课程. 虽然我以前去过很多地方,但我只去过美国.我从来没有去过一个我听不懂或说不懂当地语言的地方. I was born 和 raised in 巴拿马 City, 巴拿马, 我担心我不会法语会给我的生活带来麻烦, 学习, 和 studying abroad in 巴黎 for six weeks extremely difficult. 东航卡帕 was kind enough to provide us with tips, 技巧, 以及一些基本的短语来帮助我们在现场培训中四处走动.


We learned that you should always start a conversation with “你好/晚安” 以a结尾 “你来编吧。” (hello 和 thank you). 这是礼貌的,它使事情更容易顺利进行,即使剩下的是英语. 另一件真正帮助我适应语言和环境变化的事情是,我的母语是西班牙语, 和 French words are very similar to Spanish. I also knew basic French, so as I spent more time in 法国, 发音和理解对我来说很容易(因为它和我知道的非常相似), but formulating my own sentences was the challenging part. 

I also felt nervous making friends abroad, I feared it’d be a little awkward, 和 wouldn’t feel genuine. 虽然我一到巴黎,所有的恐惧都消失了. I quickly realized that we were all on the same boat. 知道每个人都想交朋友,我很容易就把自己放出来,开始交谈, 和 no one wanted to be alone. 在项目的第三天左右,我也以最自然的方式组建了我的一小群朋友. 我和我的朋友, 布鲁克, from my Differential Equations class, 我们决定举行一次小型野餐来庆祝我们在埃菲尔铁塔上课的第一天.

2 东航卡帕 students pose in front of Eiffel Tower at sunset

As we left the 东航卡帕 巴黎 Center, someone else from our class, 托兰, asked us what our plans for the rest of the day were, 和 we encouraged him to join us for our later picnic. 到了那里,我的室友,布鲁克的室友,以及我前一天遇到的另一个女孩也加入了我们. 然后,托兰问他是否可以邀请两个他在课堂上认识的人,我们高兴地同意了. 几分钟后他们加入了我们,我们在一起度过了最美好的时光. We even decided to all wake up at 7 a.m. 第二天早上去附近的农贸市场. Ever since that Wednesday, 我每天都和这些人一起做最有趣的事情(比如去诺曼底一日游),享受我在巴黎的每一天.

Clear blue sea 和 green grass at Etretat Norm和y

My Most Memorable Day Living in 巴黎

My favorite memory in 巴黎 was the first Thursday. As I mentioned before, we all woke up at 7 a.m. 和 went to the neighborhood Farmers Market. 在那里,我们找到了各种各样的牛角面包、水果、蔬菜,甚至动物产品. All the produce had very affordable prices ranging from €2-4. 我们离开之前, 我们发现有人在卖不同种类的新鲜面食, 在那里,我们决定买两公斤,一起度过一个小小的烹饪之夜.


然后我们去上课,因为我们五个人实际上是在一个班. 我们等着剩下的三个人上完课, we ate some crêpes from Le Tiki Rose, walked Champs-Élysées, 和 saw the Arc de Triomphe. 我们都住在同一栋公寓楼里,所以烹饪之夜是在我们的一间公寓里举行的. 我们一边煮香蒜沙司意大利面一边吃着从我们附近的面包房新做的法棍面包, we shared laughs 和 stories. At that moment, we decided to go see the 11 p.m. Eiffel Tower twinkling lights.

Student holding a fresh baguette in the streets of 巴黎

For context, it was 10 p.m. 从我们的公寓坐地铁到埃菲尔铁塔需要50分钟. 所以,我们赶紧洗碗,拿上我们的东西,走出了公寓. We then saw that taking the bus would be a 30 minute ride, as opposed to the 50 minute metro ride, 公共汽车刚好停了下来,所以我们跑进去. Yet we failed to check the direction it was going towards, 结果我们上错了车,离目的地更远了. 我们一意识到就下了车,跑到最近的地铁站. 我记得我当时因为不能准时到达而感到非常紧张,因为灯光只会在晚上11点闪烁.m. 5分钟. 我们到站了,我记得我只是冲出地铁,上了楼梯, just following my friends ahead of us. 在塔被点燃前,我们用了十秒钟的时间来喘口气.


我记得肾上腺素的激增让我和我的朋友们兴奋不已, 我记得我转过身去看着他们,感觉非常愉悦和快乐,因为我经历了这样一个自发的过程, 在接下来的五个星期里,我学会了称他们为我最好的朋友.

Michelle Chung目前就读于密歇根大学,并于23年夏季在法国巴黎的东航卡帕留学. 

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